Repairing the damage to children’s education caused by the pandemic lockdowns and closures will disrupt England’s schools until the mid-2030s, according to a new report
The LUX-ZEPLIN, or LZ, experiment has searched for and ruled out the existence of dark matter particles with a wide swath of properties, researchers report August 26 at two conferences
One in three 18- to 24-year-olds now report symptoms indicating they have experienced a common mental health problem, such as depression or anxiety disorder, compared with one in four in 2000.
This figure was not the result of a quick and dirty snapshot poll. It was one result from a three-year research programme by the Resolution Foundation
Thirteen million diesel cars producing “extreme” levels of toxic air pollution are still on the roads in Europe and the UK, according to a report, seven years after the Dieselgate scandal first exploded
Colin vom "Bitcoin Magazine" versucht sich von Brüssel über Amsterdam und Berlin nach Prag nur mit Bitcoin durchzuschlagen. Teil 1, Holland, gelingt ihm dabei schonmal ganz gut
Der Lebensraum von weltweit 200 Millionen Menschen ist mit Umweltgiften belastet. Das geht aus dem Umweltgiftreport 2013 hervor, den die Schweizer Stiftung Green Cross am Dienstag in Zürich präsentiert hat. Die zehn am stärksten betroffenen Orte liegen demnach in acht Ländern: Argentinien, Bangladesch, Ghana, Indonesien, Nigeria, Russland, Sambia und in der Ukraine