It is in the financial interest of streaming services to discourage a critical audio culture among users, to continue eroding connections between artists and listeners, so as to more easily slip discounted stock music through the cracks, improving their profit margins in the process.
I feel this is slowly happening to all types of media., not just audio. The slow dumbification of culture
EU-Kommission hegt den Verdacht, dass Microsofts Suchmaschine viele Risiken rund um generative KI schafft und damit gegen den Digital Services Act verstößt
Der Irak-Krieg hat die US-Regierung Billionen Dollar gekostet. Besonders viel Geld zahlte sie an Privatunternehmen: 138 Milliarden Dollar flossen laut "Financial Times" an Bau-, Technik- und Sicherheitsfirmen