Musk’s piece said: “The portrayal of the AfD as rightwing extremist is clearly false, considering that Alice Weidel, the party’s leader, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka! Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!”
Merkel, who in her new memoir raises fears for the western democratic order with Donald Trump as US president, has also expressed deep concerns about the outsized role to be played in Trump’s administration by Elon Musk
"decisions stand in marked contrast to the 2016 presidential campaign, when a Russian hack exposed emails to and from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, John Podesta"
Wahn-sinn: stammt aus reichem Hause, wird Rechtsaußen, legt das eigene Land in Schutt und Asche und propagiert den Brexit, stolpert während Corona über Parties und verlässt die politische Bühne nach nur 4 Jahren - WTF!