Mit dem PREEMPT_RT im Mainline-Kernel ist Linux offiziell ein echtes Echtzeitbetriebssystem- dem erst nachträglich – erfolgreich – der Echtzeitbetrieb nachgerüstet wurde. In der Forschung galt das lange als nahezu "unmöglich"
Jarek Lupinski is as much a Spotify Luddite as we are, since his “tape-deck” project is aimed to be as user-unfriendly as possible. It’s just an auto-reversing cassette deck movement stripped bare of all useful appurtenances, like a way to fast forward or rewind. You just put a cassette in and it plays, start to finish, before auto-reversing to play the other side in its entirety. It doesn’t even have a volume control — his cheeky advice is to “listen to louder or quieter albums” to solve that problem