US-Schriftstellerorganisation führt ein Gütesiegel für von Menschen geschriebene Bücher ein. Damit wolle man der Flut an KI-Büchern etwas entgegensetzen
largest study yet into the effects of cannabis on the brains of 18- to 36-year-olds has found that the drug can reduce brain function during cognitive tests
A former safety researcher at OpenAI says he is “pretty terrified” about the pace of development in artificial intelligence, warning the industry is taking a “very risky gamble” on the technology
Weil der neue US-Präsident einen hunderte Jahre alten Namen für eine Meeresbucht geändert hat, behandelt Google Maps sein Land intern nun wie autoritäre Regime
Stocks, exchange-traded funds, and real estate are some common assets that make up a diverse investment portfolio. Now, it seems investors are adding trading cards to that portfolio
Laut jüngsten Berichten der New York Times hat die CIA ihre Haltung zu den Ursprüngen von COVID-19 geändert und favorisiert nun die Laborthesen-Theorie als die wahrscheinlichste Erklärung für das Entstehen der Pandemie
Trump lost. That is, if all legal voters were allowed to vote, if all legal ballots were counted, Trump would have lost the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Vice-President Kamala Harris would have won the Presidency with 286 electoral votes