"Berlin is not a pretty place. The winters are a total nightmare, no sunlight, no warm face. Its cuisine is all about fast food. Large parts of town smell like a public toilet; overdosed tourists randomly pass out on the street. It’s not a city where you would sit out on a cafe terrace to people-watch. But also it’s now nearly impossible to find an affordable flat you could call home"
Musk’s piece said: “The portrayal of the AfD as rightwing extremist is clearly false, considering that Alice Weidel, the party’s leader, has a same-sex partner from Sri Lanka! Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!”
Gravierende Sicherheitslücken müssten bis zum Start der ePA 3.0 noch geschlossen werden. Das demonstrieren Martin Tschirsich und Bianca Kastl auf dem 38C3
Tochterunternehmen des Volkswagen-Konzerns hat teils extrem detaillierte Bewegungsdaten von 800.000 Elektroautos so in der Amazon-Cloud abgelegt, dass Nachrichtendienste, Konkurrenten, Kriminelle oder "gelangweilte Teenager" ohne große Schwierigkeiten darauf hätten zugreifen können
"Smart Materials" in Textilien könnten in Zukunft online übermittelte Streicheleinheiten wiedergeben – menschliche Nähe mit Körperkontakt im virtuellen Raum (Paywall)
OpenAI’s ChatGPT search tool may be open to manipulation using hidden content, and can return malicious code from websites it searches, a Guardian investigation has found
It is in the financial interest of streaming services to discourage a critical audio culture among users, to continue eroding connections between artists and listeners, so as to more easily slip discounted stock music through the cracks, improving their profit margins in the process.
I feel this is slowly happening to all types of media., not just audio. The slow dumbification of culture