So the AI boom of the last 12 years was made possible by three visionaries:
One was Geoffrey Hinton, a University of Toronto computer scientist who spent decades promoting neural networks despite near-universal skepticism.
The second was Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, who recognized early that GPUs could be useful for more than just graphics.
The third was Fei-Fei Li. She created an image dataset that seemed ludicrously large to most of her colleagues. But it turned out to be essential for demonstrating the potential of neural networks trained on GPUs
It is also important to note that the cell, like many other physical systems, is analog in nature. Therefore, in most situations there is no 0/1 (binary) value of variables
"Computer CPU's ( Central Processing Units ) are a form of pseudo-intelligence. They are not however, programmed with any sort of judgment calls as to the nature of their instructions. Their instructions being the source code which instructs their operating. The very blue prints of their silicon pseudo-life resides within what the CPU is being told to compute, and how to operate. This makes computers very vulnerable. They literally do what they are told. Antivirus software is basically instructions which detects other malicious instructions. They can however flag clean software as positive for malware, and malware as clean and safe"
"The cypherpunks of the past along with whistleblowers and abolitionists have increased freedom drastically in the last 20 years with technology. The introduction of computer networking, the Internet, computational cryptography, and cryptocurrency have ushered in a new era of thought. One where the very concepts of governance, borders, laws, and sovereign currencies are being increasingly questioned. Like it or not the seeds of decentralization, true peer-to-peer networking, open source technology, and encryption methods are growing exponentially"