"....fry human flesh for dinner, and then listen to them talk about how great things were going. You can read all about these horrors in Yang Jisheng's epic book, Tombstone. His own father died in the famine"
How the climate crisis affects our brains
Scientists are just starting to discover how extreme heat and weather is linked to neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s and motor neurone disease – and can even affect babies in the womb. What can we do about it?
"let it crash". The core idea behind it has to do with the fact that modern applications have a huge number of states that they can find themselves in. The more complex your application is, the more variables you need to keep track of everything. Eventually it becomes impossible for developers to predict all combinations of state that these variables will form. Once your app gets into an undesirable state, the best thing you can do is to reset it and start from a fresh, well known and correct state